New Holland 258 Para Venda

258 Ancinho de Feno
  • Posição do Equip.
    Benton, Illinois, Estados Unidos
  • Número em armazém
  • Marca
    New Holland
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    Nas instalações do concessionário

28647X (X) Type of Rake:Bar Rake Type of Bar Rake:Single Type of Fold:Manual Jack:Yes You may also contact Tyler Heinzmann at (618) 200-1542. Dealer Disclaimer: H & R Agri-Power used inventory pricing,hours,specifications and options shown are based on the original appraisal of the unit. If we discover a mistake prior to a signed sales order being executed,we reserve the right to correct said pricing,specifications,or options. Price excludes delivery,modifications,or any applicable taxes.

1 700,00

H & R Agri-Power

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